A pan-european online presence

European Copper Institute

Powerful alloys

The European Copper Institute asked us to unite its online presence as well as that of all European CDAs (Copper Development Association) on a single web platform. The goal was to create a unique and unified brand towards national and international media, policymakers and legislators, external stakeholders (NGOs) and the public.

Advocacy empowered

We created a strong, centralised web platform using modern web architecture and redesigned their corporate identity. It allows the ECI and the CDAs to disseminate consistent information on societal benefits of copper, its sustainable development, the related regulatory issues, and its advocacy and promotion in 15 European languages with a unified depth and breadth of content.

Common destination

The site offers structured links to project web sites, has a common image library, brings increased platform security and reliability, and creates lower human resource efforts and annual hosting costs.


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